dynamics of polynomial differential equations in the quaternion field-凯发k8国际首页登录


报告主题:dynamics of polynomial differential equations in the quaternion field


报告时间:2020年9月24日 9:00-10:00

地点:腾讯会议 id726 901 654


in this talk we first summarize some known results on the polynomial differential equations in quaternion field, and then report some new results on this subject. the proofs of the results depend on different kinds of invariants and the theory of integrable hamiltonian. part of the works is jointed with sebastian walcher.


张祥,上海交通大学特聘教授(享受国务院特殊津贴,二级教授、博导),欧洲科学与艺术院院士。主要从事动力系统的定性、分支和可积理论的研究。所得结果部分发表在american j. math.transactions of amer. math.soc., communications math. phys., j. functional analysis, j. nonlinear sciencesj. differential equations等国际一流数学杂志上。多次应邀在欧美举行的动力系统国际会议上做大会特邀报告。目前担任中国数学会奇异摄动专业委员会主任,中国数学会理事,以及国际sci杂志《qualitative theory of dynamical systems》和《international j. bifurcation and chaos》的associate编委等。
