




时间:2020年9月22日周二下午 14:00

线上地址:腾讯会议 id 271 842 809



being the “bread and butter” of control engineering, nowadays more than 90% of the industrial control loops are still of the proportional integral derivative (pid) type. with three complementary action terms, pid can give satisfactory performance in most cases the integral i term enables accurate compensation of constant signals, the derivative d term is be used to tune the damping factor to improve the closed loop system stability, and hence allows the proportional p term with higher gain to speed up the transient response. no other controllers can match the simplicity, the intuitive functionality, applicability, and the ease of use offered by the pid control. the well established theory and practical practise of designing, tuning and implementing the pid controllers are available. however, the pid control fails to remove periodic errors efficiently in practice, where periodic errors/disturbances have great impact on the system performance and even stability, e.g. power harmonics distortions and power oscillations in electrical power systems. it offers strong incentive to the development of next generation pid like control methods for handling complex systems and signals.

this seminar will briefly present the internal model principle (imp) based general pid control technology from an intuitive perception instead of complex mathematic derivations and justifications, which makes a start from the very basic concerns of feedback control, building the basic framework for the general pid control on the basis of imp especially defining the general ‘i’ and ‘d’, demonstrates the compatibility among pid control, resonant control and repetitive control, and etc., provides two application examples of general pid control of power conversions to show the validity of the proposed control method, and discusses some promising development and application prospects of the general pid control.


keliang zhou (m’04‐sm’08) received his ph.d. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from nanyang technological university in singapore in 2002, was conferred his b.eng. and m.eng. degrees from huazhong university of science and technology in china in 1992 and wuhan transportation university in china in 1995, respectively. he was a senior lecturer in james watt school of engineering at the university of glasgow in scotland since 2014, and was a full‐time academic staff in the school of electrical engineering at the southeast university in china (2006‐2011) and in the department of electrical and computer engineering at the university of canterbury in new zealand (2011‐2014).

professor zhou is one of the pioneering researchers in developing periodic control (especially repetitive control) technologies for power electronic conversion, and laid the foundation of imp based general pid control theory. he is currently active in the research areas of control theory and applications, modeling and control of power electronic based systems, and renewable energy generation. he has published about 70 journal articles, over 60 refereed international conference papers and tens of patents in relevant fields. several of his technical papers rank in the list of highly cited papers. he is a senior member of ieee, the recipient of the ieee pes nanjing chapter outstanding engineer in 2010, served as the founding secretary of ias and pes joint chapter of ieee nanjing section during 2007‐2010. he served as technical program chair, program committee member and session chairs in various international conferences, and a reviewer for numerous journals.
